Ignite your inner spark,
embrace your power, and light up the world.

Deep down, you know there's a more vibrant, purposeful version of yourself just waiting to emerge. Imagine feeling truly alive, connected to your passions, and equipped to handle whatever life throws your way. Rewire isn't just another program – it's a personal journey to rediscover your strength, your worth, and the incredible potential you've always carried within. We believe in you, and we'll be here to guide you every step of the way as you awaken to your most authentic self.


Rewire is an invitation to step into your power and align with the incredible potential that's always been within you. This transformative journey combines the profound power of breathwork, reflection, and a safe space for exploration, helping you uncover the depths of your being and illuminate your unique path.

What could we achieve if fear
and doubt didn't hold us back?


This isn't just another course; it's a shared journey towards a more empowered, authentic you. I'm Benedict Beaumont, and I'll be your guide as we explore the profound potential of breathwork and embark on a 12-week adventure of self-discovery and transformation.


How to ground yourself and create a foundation of inner security and trust.

Techniques to recognize and cultivate your unique strengths and abilities.

Strategies to shift your self-talk from critical to your biggest cheerleader.

Gentle methods to let go of old emotions and heal from past wounds.

Ways to ignite your inner spark and align your life  purpose.

Steps to transcend your self-imposed limits and embrace a greater version of yourself.

Join us on this incredible journey and see how far you can go
when you’re truly connected to your breath and your heart.


Is Rewire Right For You?

Seek Growth and Self-Understanding: You're ready to explore your inner world, cultivate resilience, and navigate life's challenges with greater awareness. 

Are Ready to Discover Your Strengths: You're curious about your untapped potential and open to uncovering the remarkable person you are. 

Embrace Gentle Exploration: You desire gradual, transformative change and are comfortable with a compassionate approach to self-discovery. 

Value Consistent Practice: You understand the importance of consistent practice and reflection for lasting change.


Seek Quick Fixes: You're looking for immediate solutions without the commitment to inner work.

Prioritize Convenience Over Growth: You're unwilling to dedicate time for consistent practice and self-exploration.

Expect Change Without Effort: You desire change without personal investment and a willingness to explore your emotions gently.

Want a Guru: You already have all the power and strength inside you if you are willing to look. The answers are yours to find, not ours to give you.

Want a Deeper Look at What's In Store?


Awakening Potential

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, establishing safety and trust, and unveiling the incredible potential that's been quietly resting within you.

Establish a solid foundation of trust and stability within yourself. 

Discover and celebrate your unique talents and strengths.

Develop a profound belief in your abilities and worth. 

Gain tools and insights to begin transforming your potential into power. 


Unblocking Potential

This phase focuses on removing obstacles and releasing old patterns with self-compassion and love to create much needed space for new growth.

Transform your internal dialogue from self-criticism to self-support.

Release deeply held negative emotions and emotional baggage.

Heal from past wounds in a caring and supportive environment.

Create a clear path for your true potential to emerge and flourish


Igniting Power

Connect with your passions and discover the power of purpose, aligning your inner strength with your goals.

Connect deeply with your inner passions and driving forces.

Transform inspiration into a tangible sense of empowerment.

Align your inner strength with a purposeful mission.

Grow your confidence and the ability to achieve your goals.


Power Beyond Limits

Expand your perception of possibility, embracing a limitless vision for yourself and your life.

Experience an expansion of your senses and awareness.

Deepen your spiritual connection and explore intangible aspects of reality.

Embrace a limitless view of yourself and your capabilities.

Conclude the journey with a powerful sense of self and readiness to dream bigger.

But that's not all...

Along the way, you'll have access to valuable resources to assist you. These powerful tools – from guided meditations to tip sheets– are not just add-ons; they are integral parts of your transformative experience. Each element is designed to complement and enhance your journey from potential to power, ensuring that you have all the support you need to make this journey a life-changing one.


  • Will I have enough time to commit to this course?
    You are busy... we understand that! The course is designed to be flexible and accommodate your schedule. With a mix of short daily practices (5-10 minutes) and one longer weekly session (45 minutes), you can engage at your own pace and find a rhythm that works for you.
  • What if I start and realize that it's not or me?
    We understand that every journey is unique. If you find the course isn't the right fit, we offer a satisfaction guarantee within 7 days of beginning, allowing you to explore the course risk-free.
  • I've tried other self-help programs before and didn't see results. How is this any different?
    Rewire focuses on 3 simple points. Daily short breathwork, weekly Conscious Breathwork, and daily personal introspection. Because of this, we offer a more direct and experiential approach to self-discovery and change, compared to traditional self-help programs. This course is about feeling the change, not just understanding it theoretically. However, this course isn't a magic fix! It still requires you to commit to the introspection and practices. You will truly get out of it what you put in to it.
  • I'm really interested but money is tight. Are there any payment plans?
    One of our foundational principles a Breathing Space is that we make breathwork affordable and accessible to as many people as possible. We currently offer payment plans to ease financial burden. However, if finances are truly a barrier for you, please get in touch with Benedict at as we will try to work something out. We are serious about our mission to make Breathwork accessible.
  • I'm not very tech savvy....
    Our course platform is user-friendly, and we provide clear instructions and support for any technical issues you might encounter. We're here to ensure your focus remains on your transformative journey, not on tech challenges.
  • What happens if I have a question? Is there a community I can access?
    Although this is a self-paced course, you'll have access to a supportive community in our private Facebook group. We're also committed to guiding and assisting you throughout your journey, so if you have any questions, you are welcome to email us at
  • What happens when the course ends? How can I make sure I don't fall back in to old habits?
    Post-course, you'll have continued access to the course materials and our community to make sure you can continue your journey. Throughout the course you'll learn many techniques you can use over and over again in your life.
  • I'm a total beginner and I am not very good at meditating. Can I still take this course?
    Absolutely! This course is designed for all levels, including beginners. You'll be guided step-by-step through each breathwork and meditation practice. You might find you are never "good" at meditation... that's where the major learning happens!

Payment Options


  • 2 payments of $48.50

MONEY BACK Guarantee

We're confident that the Rewire course will set you on a incredible journey of self discovery. However, we understand that every individual's experience is unique. That's why we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. 

If you find within the first 7 days of the course that it's not the right fit for you, simply reach out to us. We'll provide a full refund, no questions asked (although we would love to hear your honest feedback!!). 

Your satisfaction and growth are our top priorities, and we want to ensure that Rewire is a meaningful and impactful experience for you.

Have Questions?
We'd Love to Hear From You!

Whether you have questions about the course, feedback, or just want to share your journey, our team is ready to listen and support you.
Let's make your transformation journey an incredible one together!

Are You Ready to Embrace Your Inner Strength and Shine Your Unique Light?

A Message from the Heart

Hello there,


I see you standing here, at the start of something truly special. I know that mix of excitement and maybe a touch of uncertainty - I've been there myself. 

Taking this brave step towards unlocking your potential and discovering more about yourself is a big deal! 

This journey, it's not always easy. But hear me when I say, it's incredibly rewarding. It's about connecting with who you are at the core, celebrating those hidden strengths, and growing in ways you might not have thought possible. Every step, every breath is a step closer to living a more authentic, empowered life. And the best part? You won't be alone. I'll be here, and our wonderful community will be here to support you every step of the way.

Think of Rewire as a welcoming safe space, where you can be vulnerable, learn, and celebrate your progress. This is where transformations happen, and dreams take shape. So, if you're ready, let's begin this journey together. I can't wait to witness all the amazing ways you'll grow and shine.

Warmly welcoming you, 


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Your Adventure Awaits...

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment$97.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $48.50)2x $48.50

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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  • 1xRewire$0

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